Just because you have been arrested, or are a suspect, does not mean you have to give up and plead guilty, because some prosecutor offers a "take it or leave it" deal. For your own protection, that is usually not a good decision to make.

You have the right to discuss your charges with an experienced criminal defense lawyer, who can evaluate your case from a rational and independent perspective.

Most lawyers, including myself, strongly recommend DO NOT go into any court proceeding by yourself.

Prosecutors know the law, and will have the advantage if you enter court without legal representation. The law is always changing and being reinterpreted. Even if you are an attomey or a law enforcement officer yourself, you need an objective evaluation of your case.

You are probably frustrated, anxious and wondering what an attorney can really do for you. If I can get the case early enough before a final filing decision has been made, I have the opportunity to talk to investigating officers or prosecutors. and the cases were not filed.

I have also been successful in persuading prosecutors to reduce the original charge to a lesser offense by exposing their weaknesses of a case depending on the circumstance. While this does not happen all the time, you never know what type of a positive outcome can be achieved with your case, unless you take the time to explore it.

Your first initial office consultation is FREE, and I'd be happy to meet you at a time that's convenient for both of us.

After practicing law in Florida for over 40 years, I usually have a good idea what many prosecutors will be looking for and how they will approach your case. Once we are able to talk about your case, you will better understand what might happen to determine your available options and strategies. We do this by going over the facts and laws in your case from many different angles and perspectives. 

We know and understand that being charged with a crime is a very difficult, stressful and burdensome experience. Once retained, I will be on your side to help with that burden, and hopefully eliminate the charges.

Usually, prosecutors' offers get better as times go by, but that's not always the outcome. There are no guarantees in any kind of case, and no lawyer is legally allowed to guarantee a win in court.

Whether your case is pending in Palm Beach County, Miami-Dade, Broward, Martin, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, Indian River, Hendry and Orange Counties, I have represented clients in each of those counties. In special circumstances, attorney Michael L. Cohen, may take cases in additional Florida counties. 

Once I have been hired and know the surrounding facts and defenses to the charge, I try to have your case dismissed altogether, or to reduce your offense to a much lesser charge if the plea offer is in your best interest. If necessary, we will try the case in court. Either way, I will be there to help you make the best decision for your future. Call me today so we can start working to protect your rights as soon as possible. 

Contact Michael L. Cohen at (561) 640-3537 {office}, (561) 502-5261 {cell} or cohenconfidlaw@aol.com to discuss details of your case. 


dui arrest

The Law Office of Michael L. Cohen represents clients with arrest charges for:

  • Murder / Attempted murder
  • Theft
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Car Theft
  • Shoplifting
  • Driving under the influence: DUI
  • Domestic violence
  • Battery
  • Sex crimes
  • Weapons possession
  • Drug charges: sale and possession
  • White collar crimes

Michael L. Cohen is licensed throughout the State of Florida and accepts cases in: 

  • Palm Beach County
  • Miami-Dade County
  • Broward County
  • Martin County
  • St. Lucie County
  • Okeechobee County
  • Hendry County
  • Orange Counties

Pending the charge, Michael L. Cohen will also accept cases outside the above mentioned counties.



Drug Charges
Domestic Violence
Sex Crimes
Violent Crimes
Weapon Possession 


Share details about your case in confidence with Michael L. Cohen